JPAC Joint United Kingdom (UK) Blood Transfusion and Tissue Transplantation Services Professional Advisory Committee

Eye Disease


1. Must not donate for BM or PBSC if:
a) Active ocular inflammation

b) History of malignancy

c) Ocular tissue transplanted

2. Must not donate for PBSC if:
a) History of inflammatory eye disease (e.g. uveitis, scleritis, iritis, episcleritis, conjunctivitis)

b) Associated with severe or multisystem autoimmune disease

c) History of detached retina or any eye condition/injury that affects blood vessels of eye

d) History of bleeding or clots in the eye or retina such as optic neuritis, optic neuropathy, or autoimmune retinopathy


a) History of inflammatory eye disease:

  • If transient viral conjunctivitis, which is fully resolved, accept.
  • For others, where a clear infectious aetiology has been identified, and the inflammation is resolved, seek advice from DCSO.

b) If it is an isolated autoimmune inflammatory process, or if it is a recurring inflammation or increased risk or recurrence (e.g. HLA-B27) or exacerbation (toxoplasma chorioretinitis), accept for BM only, subject to advice from DCSO.

See if Relevant

Autoimmune Disease
Central Nervous System Disease 
Infection - General
Ocular Surgery
Ocular Tissue Recipient
Steroid Therapy
Tissue and Cell Allograft Recipients

Additional Information

Inflammatory eye disease can be due to:

a) Infectious causes, such as toxoplasmosis, CMV, leptospirosis, tuberculosis.

b) Isolated auto immune or non-infectious such as HLA-B27 associated, traumatic/sympathetic ophthalmopathy, drug induced.

c) Associated with systemic diseases such as Behcet’s Disease, arthritis, connective tissue diseases.

Infectious eye diseases can aggravate years after initial treatment and the role of GCSF in response to infectious agents is not fully understood.

Uveitis has been reported as a side effect of GCSF. A history of eye inflammation in association with systemic disease usually requires deferral due to the underlying condition. If such an association cannot be excluded at medical examination, consider BM only. Acceptable for donation only by BM method if recurring inflammation or increased risk for recurrence (e.g., HLA-B27).

Reason for Change

’Obligatory’ and ‘Discretionary’ sections expanded. ‘Additional Information’ section added.

Update Information

This entry was last updated in
TDSG-BM Edition 203, Release 54