JPAC Joint United Kingdom (UK) Blood Transfusion and Tissue Transplantation Services Professional Advisory Committee

2. Person with previous diagnosed (recovered) hepatitis B infection


Must not donate:
if less than 12 months since diagnosis


If more than 12 months since diagnosis of HBV infection, and if they have successfully cleared the infection, accept.

Refer to the designated medical officer if advice on interpretation of test results is required


See if Relevant

Tissue Safety Entry

Additional Information

Leaving 12 months from diagnosis before testing allows sufficient time for a donor to clear any acute infection or develop markers of a chronic infection which will be detected on screening.  

If less than 12 months from diagnosis the donor may be accepted if the risk of delaying transplant outweighs the risk of transmission of hepatitis B subject to documented individual risk assessment.

Anti-HBc is required as a mandatory test under the EU Cell and Tissue Directive for cell and tissue donations, and is therefore a regulatory requirement. If the donor is HBsAg negative and HBV DNA negative anti-HBs testing is not required. Anti-HBc must be carried out to comply with regulation and there is no requirement for anti-HBs levels. However some international stem cell registries require anti-HBs status to determine donor suitability.