JPAC Joint United Kingdom (UK) Blood Transfusion and Tissue Transplantation Services Professional Advisory Committee

3. Current or Former Sexual Partner of an infected individual


Obtain history (including time since last sexual contact, and the dates that HBV immunisation given).

Must not donate if:
Less than 3 months from last sexual contact


If more than 3 months since last sexual contact, accept.

If less than 3 months since last sexual contact, and the donor is shown to be naturally immune, accept.

Additional Information

A donor with a period of less than 3 months since the last sexual contact with an infected individual may be accepted following individual risk assessment if risk of delaying transplant outweighs the risk of transmission of hepatitis B. A shortened time between last sexual contact and testing increases the risk of not detecting a recently acquired infection on screening.

The current partner of an individual with hepatitis B infection should have been offered immunisation. If the relationship started after the diagnosis of hepatitis B, immunisation may not have been carried out.

Reason for Change

This entry has been modified in line with the recommendations of the SaBTO Donor Selection Criteria Review Report published on 23rd July (2017).