JPAC Joint United Kingdom (UK) Blood Transfusion and Tissue Transplantation Services Professional Advisory Committee

Coeliac Disease

Additional InformationCoeliac disease is an abnormal immune response to gluten (contained in some cereals, in particular wheat) that damages the small bowel. This can lead to poor absorption of minerals and vitamins that are necessary to make blood. Avoiding gluten reverses the problem.

The haemoglobin screening test will check that an individual is not significantly anaemic before a donation is taken.
Reason for change'Additional Information' has been added.
Donor InformationIf you wish to obtain more information regarding a personal medical issue please contact your National Help Line.

Please do not contact this web site for personal medical queries, as we are not in a position to provide individual answers.

Update Information

This entry was last updated in:
DSG-WB Edition 203, Release 01.