JPAC Joint United Kingdom (UK) Blood Transfusion and Tissue Transplantation Services Professional Advisory Committee

Back Problems

Obligatory1. Bone Marrow Donor:
Must not donate if:

a) Surgery within last five years.

b) Disc problem/sciatica.

c) Chronic pain requiring ongoing medical treatment.

2. PBSC Donor:

Is there an entry for the underlying condition?

Must not donate if:
Not able to use the bleed facilities provided without risking their own safety or the safety of others (donors must not be bled in a wheelchair).
Discretionary1. Bone Marrow Donor:
If the pain is infrequent, related to exertion or strain, accept.

2. PBSC Donor:
If the donor can tolerate the procedure, accept.
See if RelevantDisabled Donor
Additional InformationThe operation to remove bone marrow could make any problem worse.
Reason for ChangeAn entry has been added for PBSC Donors.
An additional link has been added for 'Disabled Donor'.

Update Information

This entry was last updated in
TDSG-BM Edition 203, Release 02