Blood transfusion e-Learning in the UK and Ireland has changed.
Since 2005, LearnBloodTransfusion (LBT) blood transfusion e-Learning was widely used by all four UK countries and the Republic of Ireland as part of the training of healthcare staff and students.
The majority have now transitioned to using an alternative eLearning for blood transfusion training called Blood Transfusion Training (BTT). The BTT e-Learning modules are currently undergoing a process of review to ensure they meet the needs of everyone and, as was the case with LBT, this is being undertaken by a group with representation from all countries.
The modules are aimed at those involved in any part of the blood transfusion process and cover a range of aspects of transfusion practice, including consent to blood transfusion, offering an interactive learning experience supported by links to additional resources, self-directed learning packs, face-to-face learning content, guidelines and hyperlinks to additional materials to supplement the programme content. There are assessments for each of the modules.
The modules are as follows:
To find out more about the provision of BTT / transfusion e-Learning where you are, please see below:
England | BTT is available on elearning for healthcare (elfh) and the Electronic Staff Record (ESR) eLearning. |
Scotland | Continue to access the LBT modules on Turas and Learnpro, whilst we prepare to update the modules on both platforms. Please see future communications for details. |
Wales | BTT is accessed on the ESR eLearning and Learning@Wales; for more details see the BHNOG website. |
Northern Ireland | BTT is accessed via LearnHSCNI. Staff who do not have access to LearnHSCNI can access via elfh. |
Republic of Ireland | BTT is accessed via HSeLand. For more details, please see the website, under reporting to the NHO. |
Private and international organisations | If your organisation is not eligible for access via any of the above platforms, access can be purchased via eIntegrity. |
If you are unable to access via one of the routes above, BTT is accessible across the UK on elfh.
Hosting of BTT modules on local learning management systems is also available in AICC via elfh and eIntegrity.
If you have any queries regarding this matter, please contact