Joint United Kingdom (UK) Blood Transfusion and Tissue Transplantation Services Professional Advisory Committee
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Guidelines for the Blood
Transfusion Services in the UK
1: Introduction
2. Quality in blood and tissue establishments and hospital blood banks
3: Care and selection of whole blood and component donors (including donors of pre-deposit autologous blood)
4: Premises and quality assurance at blood donor sessions
5: Collection of a blood or component donation
6: Evaluation and manufacture of blood components
7: Specifications for blood components
8: Evaluation of novel blood components, production processes and blood packs: generic protocols
9: Microbiology tests for donors and donations: general specifications for laboratory test procedures
10: Investigation of suspected transfusion-transmitted infection
11: Reagent manufacture
12: Donation testing (red cell immunohaematology)
13: Patient testing (red cell immunohaematology)
14: Guidelines for the use of DNA/PCR techniques in Blood Establishments
15: Molecular typing for red cell antigens
16: HLA typing and HLA serology
17: Granulocyte immunology
18: Platelet immunology
19: Tissue banking: general principles
20: Tissue banking: selection of donors
21: Tissue banking: tissue retrieval and processing
22: Haemopoietic progenitor cells
23: Specification for the uniform labelling of blood, blood components and blood donor samples
24: Specification for the uniform labelling of human tissue products using ISBT 128
25: Standards for electronic data interchange within the UK Blood Transfusion Services
26: Specification for blood pack base labels
27: Specification for labelling consumables used in therapeutic product production
A1: NIBSC standards available from MHRA
A2: ISBT 128 check character calculation
A3: Provisional Components
A4: Redundant Components
A5: Blood Components for Contingency Use
A6: Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs)
A7: Requirements for the timing of testing for HPCs
Donor Selection
Bone Marrow and PBSC
A-Z Search
Cord Blood
A-Z Search
Geographical Disease Risk Index
A-Z Search
Tissue - Deceased Donors
A-Z Search
Tissue - Live Donors
A-Z Search
Whole Blood and Components
A-Z Search
National Helplines
Handbook of
Transfusion Medicine
UK Cell Salvage Action Group
Consent for Blood Transfusion
Transfusion information for patients
Guidance for HealthCare Practitioners involved in this role
Blood Transfusion e-Learning
Clinical Decision-Making and Authorising Blood Component Transfusion
Systematic Review
SRI Publications
Stem Cell Evidence
Transfusion Evidence Library
SRI Core Team
Our Funders
UK Transfusion
National Blood Transfusion Committee (England)
Scottish National Blood Transfusion Committee
Blood Health National Oversight Group (Wales)
Northern Ireland Transfusion Committee
UK Red Alert Plans Group
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Guidelines for the Blood
Transfusion Services in the UK
Donor Selection
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Welcome to JPAC
About JPAC
Terms of Reference - July 2024
Committee members
Standing Advisory Committee on Blood Components
Standing Advisory Committee on Care and Selection of Donors
Standing Advisory Committee on Cellular Therapy Products
Standing Advisory Committee on Immunohaematology
Standing Advisory Committee on Information Technology
Standing Advisory Committee on Tissues
Standing Advisory Committee on Transfusion Transmitted Infection
Workplan summary
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Change Notifications
Change Notifications Issued in 2025
Change Notifications Issued in 2024
Change Notifications Issued in 2020
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Change Notifications Issued in 2015
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Change Notifications Issued In 2011
Change Notifications Issued In 2010
Change Notifications Issued In 2009
Change Notifications Issued In 2008
Change Notifications Issued In 2007
Change Notifications Issued In 2006
Change Notifications Issued In 2005
Position Statements
Risk Assessments
Specification for the future labelling of Blood Components prepared in the UK
Options for Human T-Lymphotropic Virus (HTLV) screening with the UK Blood Services (updated October 2015)
Latest Page Updates
Diary of Educational Events
Blood Component Request & Allocation Process (March 2022)
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Guidelines for the Blood Transfusion Services
7: Specifications for blood components
7.1: Introduction
7.1.1: Leucocyte depletion
7.1.2: Irradiated components
7.1.3: Other component specifications
7.1.4: Production advice
7.1.5: References
7.2: Whole Blood Components
7.2.1: Whole Blood, Leucocyte Depleted
7.3: Red Cell Components
7.3.1: Red Cells, Leucocyte Depleted
7.3.2: Red Cells in Additive Solution, Leucocyte Depleted
7.3.3: Red Cells, Washed, Leucocyte Depleted
7.3.4: Red Cells, Thawed and Washed, Leucocyte Depleted
7.4: Platelet Components
7.4.1: Platelets, Pooled, Buffy Coat Derived, Leucocyte Depleted
7.4.2: Platelets, Apheresis, Leucocyte Depleted
7.4.3: Platelets, Pooled, Buffy Coat Derived, in Additive Solution and Plasma, Leucocyte Depleted
7.4.4: Platelets in Additive Solution, Leucocyte Depleted
7.5: Plasma Components
7.5.1: Fresh Frozen Plasma, Leucocyte Depleted
7.5.2: Fresh Frozen Plasma, Pathogen Reduced, Leucocyte Depleted
7.5.3: Cryoprecipitate, Leucocyte Depleted
7.5.4: Cryoprecipitate, Pooled, Leucocyte Depleted
7.5.5: Cryoprecipitate, Pooled, Pathogen Reduced, Leucocyte Depleted
7.5.6: Human Plasma for Fractionation, Leucocyte Depleted
7.5.7: Human Plasma for Fractionation, Cryoprecipitate Depleted, Leucocyte Depleted
7.6: Granulocyte Components
7.6.1: Granulocytes, Pooled, Buffy Coat Derived, in Platelet Additive Solution and Plasma
7.7: Components suitable for use in Intrauterine Transfusion, Neonates and Infants under 1 year
7.7.1: Red Cells for Intrauterine Transfusion, Leucocyte Depleted
7.7.2: Whole Blood for Exchange Transfusion, Leucocyte Depleted
7.7.3: Red Cells for Exchange Transfusion, Leucocyte Depleted
7.7.4: Red Cells for Neonates and Infants, Leucocyte Depleted
7.7.5: Red Cells in Additive Solution for Neonates and Infants, Leucocyte Depleted
7.7.6: Platelets for Intrauterine Transfusion, Leucocyte Depleted
7.7.7: Platelets for Neonatal Use, Leucocyte Depleted
7.7.8: Platelets in Plasma and Additive Solution for Neonatal Use, Leucocyte Depleted
7.7.9: Fresh Frozen Plasma for Neonates and Infants, Leucocyte Depleted
7.7.10: Fresh Frozen Plasma for Neonates and Infants, Pathogen Reduced, Leucocyte Depleted
7.7.11: Cryoprecipitate for Neonates and Infants, Leucocyte Depleted
7.7.12: Cryoprecipitate for Neonates and Infants, Pathogen Reduced, Leucocyte Depleted
Annexe 3: Provisional Components
A3.1 Platelets in Additive Solution and Plasma, Leucocyte Depleted, Pathogen-reduced
A3.2 Red Cells in Additive Solution, Leucocyte Depleted, Pathogen Reduced
A3.3 Liquid Plasma, Leucocyte Depleted
A3.4 Red Cells, Rejuvenated and Washed, Leucocyte Depleted
A3.5 Red Cells and Plasma, Leucocyte Depleted
A3.6 Whole Blood, Leucocyte Depleted, for Clinical Studies
A3.7 Convalescent Plasma (COVID-19), FFP, Leucocyte Depleted
A3.8 Convalescent Plasma (COVID-19), FFP, for Neonates and Infants, Leucocyte Depleted
A3.9 Provisional Component: Cryoprecipitate Pooled, Leucocyte Depleted, Extended Shelf-life Post-thaw
A3.10 Convalescent Plasma (VCOV-19), FFP, Leucocyte Depleted
Annexe 4: Redundant Components
A4.1 Granulocytes, Apheresis
A4.2 Convalescent Plasma (COVID-19), FFP, Leucocyte Depleted
A4.3 Convalescent Plasma (COVID-19), FFP, for Neonates and Infants, Leucocyte Depleted
A4.4 Cryoprecipitate, Methylene Blue Treated and Removed, Leucocyte Depleted
A4.5 Plasma, Cryoprecipitate Depleted, Leucocyte Depleted
Annexe 5: Blood Components for Contingency Use
A5.1 Red Cells in Additive Solution, Leucocyte Depleted, Extended Shelf Life
A5.2 Platelets, Apheresis, Leucocyte Depleted, at Reduced Dose as a Contingency
Annexe 6: Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs)
Annexe 7: Requirements for the timing of testing for Hematopoietic Progenitor Cells (HPCs): Minimum standards and good practice
Donor Selection Guidelines
Welcome to the Donor Selection Guidelines
Bone Marrow and Peripheral Blood Stem Cell
A-Z Search
Cerebrovascular Disease
Coronavirus Infection (COVID-19)
1. Person with confirmed symptomatic COVID-19
2. Person with confirmed SARS-CoV-2
3. Person with suspected COVID-19
Coronavirus Vaccination
Glycogen Storage Disease
Hepatitis B
1. Person with current hepatitis B infection
2. Person with previous diagnosed (recovered) hepatitis B infection
3. Current or Former Sexual Partner of an infected individual
4. Current or former sexual partner of person who had recovered from hepatitis B infection at the time of last sexual contact
5. Person Sharing a Home with a person with hepatitis B infection
6. Hepatitis B Immunization
Liver Disease
1. Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)
2. Alcohol Related Liver Disease
3. Infective Liver Disease
4. Autoimmune Liver Disease
5. Drug or Pregnancy Induced Liver Disease
6. Liver Cirrhosis
7. Liver Tumours
8. Inherited Diseases Affecting the Liver
Mpox (Monkeypox)
1. Affected Individuals
2. Contact with an individual with Mpox
3. Immunisation for contact or risk
4. Immunisation – No known contact
Pre- and Post Exposure Prophylaxis for HIV
Sex Worker
Thrombosis and Thrombophilia
Tissue and Cell Allograft Recipients
Transgender Individuals
Tropical Viruses
Cord Blood
A-Z Search
Coronavirus Infection (COVID-19)
1. Person with confirmed symptomatic COVID-19
2. Person with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 without symptoms
3. Person with suspected COVID-19
Glycogen Storage Disease
Hepatitis B
1. Person with current hepatitis B infection
2. Person with previous diagnosed (recovered) hepatitis B infection
3. Current or Former Sexual Partner of an infected individual
4. Current or former sexual partner of person who had recovered from hepatitis B infection at the time of last sexual contact
5. Person Sharing a Home with a person with hepatitis B infection
6. Hepatitis B Immunization
Mpox (Monkeypox)
1. Affected Individuals
2. Contact with an individual with Mpox
3. Immunisation for contact or risk
4. Immunisation – No known contact
Pre- and Post Exposure Prophylaxis for HIV
Sex Worker
Tissue and Cell Allograft Recipients
Tropical Viruses
Viral Haemorrhagic Fever
1. Affected Individual
2. Contact or traveller to endemic country
3. Sexual Partner of Affected Individual
Geographical Disease Risk Index
A-Z Search
American Samoa
Brunei Darussalam
Cocos (Keeling) Islands
Democratic Republic of The Congo
Diego Garcia
East Timor
India - Previous Malaria Map
Leeward Islands (Caribbean)
North Macedonia
Saint Barthelemy
Saint Helena
The Democratic Republic of The Congo
The Republic of The Congo
West Indies
Cross-reference to entries in the Donor Selection Guidelines
Source Files
Tissue - Deceased Donors
A-Z Search
Coronavirus Infection (COVID-19)
1. Person with confirmed or suspected COVID-19
Hepatitis B
1. Person with current hepatitis B infection
2. Person with previous diagnosed (recovered) hepatitis B infection
3. Current or Former Sexual Partner of an infected individual
4. Current or former sexual partner of person who had recovered from hepatitis B infection at the time of last sexual contact
5. Person Sharing a Home with a person with hepatitis B infection
6. Hepatitis B Immunization
Mpox (Monkeypox)
1. Affected Individuals
2. Contact with an individual with Mpox
3. Immunisation for contact or risk
4. Immunisation – No known contact
Necrotising Soft Tissue Infections
Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Pre- and Post Exposure Prophylaxis for HIV
Sex Worker
Tissue and Cell Allograft Recipients
Transgender Individuals
Tropical Viruses
Tissue - Live Donors
A-Z Search
Coronavirus Infection (COVID-19)
1. Person with confirmed symptomatic COVID-19
2. Person with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 without symptoms
3. Person with suspected COVID-19
Hepatitis B
1. Person with current hepatitis B infection
2. Person with previous diagnosed (recovered) hepatitis B infection
3. Current or Former Sexual Partner of an infected individual
4. Current or former sexual partner of person who had recovered from hepatitis B infection at the time of last sexual contact
5. Person Sharing a Home with a person with hepatitis B infection
6. Hepatitis B Immunization
Mpox (Monkeypox)
1. Affected Individuals
2. Contact with an individual with Mpox
3. Immunisation for contact or risk
4. Immunisation – No known contact
Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Pre- and Post Exposure Prophylaxis for HIV
Sex Worker
Tissue and Cell Allograft Recipients
Transgender Individuals
Tropical Viruses
Source Files
Whole Blood and Components
A-Z Search
Air Traffic Controller
Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency – causing cirrhosis
Anthrax - Immunisation
Arthropod (Tick) Borne Encephalitis - Immunisation
Bacillus Calmette-Guerin Immunisation
BCG Immunisation
Bladder - Catheter
Bladder problems
Botulism - Immunisation
Brucella, contact with
Budd Chiari Syndrome
Catheter - Uriniary
Cerebrovascular Disease and Intracranial Haemorrhage
Cervical Dysplasia
Chicken Pox - Immunisation
Cholera - Immunisation
Chronic Nephritis
Chronic Venous Insufficiency
Clinical Trials
Conn's syndrome
Conn's Syndrome
Coronavirus Infection (COVID-19)
1. Individuals with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 infection
2. Individuals with non-specific symptoms, not confirmed as COVID-19
3. Post-Covid Syndrome (Long Covid)
4. Occupational and other routine surveillance
Crimean-Congo Fever
Crimean-Congo Fever – Contact With
Dengue (Virus) Fever - Contact With
Diphtheria - Immunisation
Diphtheria, Tetanus and Poliomyelitis - Immunisation
Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis and Poliomyelitis - Immunisation
Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Poliomyelitis and Haemophilus Type b - Immunisation
DTP Immunisation
Ehlers Danlos Syndrome
Encephalitis Japanese - Immunisation
Familial Pseudohyperkalaemia
Fatty Liver
Flu - Immunisation
Gardasil® - Immunisation
German Measles - Immunisation
Gilbert's Disease
Gilbert's Syndrome
Glycogen Storage Disease
Haemophilus Influenzae - Immunisation
Hay Fever Desensitisation
Hepatitis A - Immunisation
Hepatitis B - Immunisation
Hepatitis E
Herpes Zoster - Immunisation
HIB - Immunisation
HPV - Immunisation
Human Papilloma Virus - Immunisation
Influenza - Immunisation
Intraepithelial squamous cell carcinoma
IPV - Immunisation
Japanese Encephalitis - Immunisation
Kidney and Bladder Disease
7. Interstitial Cystitis
Kidney Failure
LGV (infection)
Liraglutide – for Diabetes Mellitus
Liraglutide – for weight loss
Liver Failure
Lymphogranuloma Venereum
Malaria - plasmapheresis donors
Male Homosexual Rape
Male Homosexual sexual assault
Measles - Immunisation
Measles and Rubella - Immunisation
Measles, Mumps and Rubella - Immunisation
Meningitis - Immunisation
Meningococcal Meningitis - Immunisation
MGEN (infection)
Monoclonal antibody therapy and other Biological Modalities
Mpox (Monkeypox)
1. Affected Individuals
2. Contact with an individual with Mpox
3. Immunisation for contact or risk
4. Immunisation – no known contact
Mumps - Immunisation
Mycoplasma genitalium
Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis
Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis
Oral Polio - Immunisation
Oral Typhoid - Immunisation
Parvovirus B19
1. Affected Individual
2. Close Contact with an Affected Individual
Pertussis - Immunisation
Pneumococcal Immunisation
Polio - Injected Immunisation
Polio - Oral Immunisation
Polycythaemia and Raised Haemoglobin
Pre- and Post-Exposure Prophylaxis for HIV prevention
Primary Biliary Cholangitis
Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
Rabies Immunisation
Rape - Male Homosexual
Renal Failure
Rubella - Immunisation
Self Catheterisation
Sexual Assault - male homosexual
Shingles - Immunisation
Shunts, Stents and Devices
Smallpox Immunisation - Contact
South American Trypanosomiasis - plasmapheresis donors
1. Affected Individuals
2. Risk
Squamous cell carcinoma in situ (CIS) of the skin
Superficial Thrombophlebitis
Superficial Vein Thrombosis
TB Immunisation
Tetanus - Immunisation
Tick-Borne Encephalitis - Immunisation
Transgender and Non-Binary Individuals
Tropical Viruses
Tropical Viruses - plasmapheresis donors
Tuberculosis Immunisation
Typhoid - Injected Immunisation
Typhoid - Oral Immunisation
Typhoid and Hepatitis A - Immunisation
Urethral Stricture - Needing to Self Catheterise
Urinary Catheterisation
Urinary Catheterisation
Urinary Incontinence - Catheter
Urinary Retention - Catheter
Valproate and Topiramate
Varicella - Immunisation
Varicose Veins and Chronic Venous Insufficiency
Weight Loss Injections
West Nile Virus - plasmapheresis donors
Whooping Cough - Immunisation
Wilson’s Disease
Zoonotic infection
Appendix 2 - Table of Immunisations
Appendix 3 - Maximum permitted Extra Corporeal Volume for component donors
Appendix 4 - Management of post donation illness
National Helplines
Handbook of Transfusion Medicine
Transfusion Practice
Transfusion Practice
Test for Alister
People and Groups
Further Information
UK Cell Salvage Action Group
Framework for Service Provision
Intraoperative Cell Salvage Education
Cell Salvage Competency Workbooks
Practicalities of Service Provision
Patient Factsheet
Technical Factsheets and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Adverse Event Reporting
National Guidance
UKCSAG Intraoperative Cell Salvage Survey
Consent for Blood Transfusion
Transfusion Information for Patients
Receiving a blood transfusion
Receiving a Blood Transfusion (audio version)
"Receiving a Blood Transfusion" patient information leaflet - translations
Consent for Blood Transfusion - Guidance for Healthcare Practitioners in the UK
Allergic reaction
Antibody formation
Febrile non-haemolytic reaction
Haemolytic Transfusion Reaction
Infected Blood Inquiry
Iron overload
Other complications
Wrong blood/wrong patient
Training for Consent for Transfusion
Transfusion-Associated Circulatory Overload (TACO)
Transfusion-Related Acute Lung Injury (TRALI)
Transfusion-Transmitted Infection (TTI)
Unknown risks
Blood Transfusion e-Learning
Clinical Decision-Making and Authorising Blood Component Transfusion
Systematic Review Initiative
Welcome to the Systematic Review Initiative (SRI)
SRI Publications
Adverse Effects of Transfusion
Behavioural Change
Blood, Stem Cell & Tissue Donation
Factor VIIa
Granulocyte Transfusion
Intravenous Immunoglobulins
Iron Chelation
Management of Anaemia
Management of Bleeding
Plasma Exchange
Plasma Transfusion
Platelet Transfusion
Practice of Transfusion
Red Cell Transfusion
Stem Cell Therapy
Systematic Review Methodology
Tissue Transplantation
Transfusion Evidence Base
Stem Cell Evidence
Transfusion Evidence Library
SRI Core Team
Lise Estcourt
Simon Stanworth
Catherine Kimber
Our Funders
Contact Us
Privacy Policy
Conditions of Use
Cookie Policy
Transfusion Committees in the UK
UK Red Alert Plans Group