These factsheets have been developed to provide information to operators and staff using cell salvage equipment and provide information on specific areas in relation to ICS. Click on the title to open the factsheet, which can then be saved as a PDF copy.
Factsheet 1 - Blood Collection & Processing (version 1)
- this replaces previous factsheets 1 (swab washing), 2 (anticoagulation), and 3 (collection of blood)
Factsheet 2 - Reinfusion of Salvaged Blood (version 5)
- this now incorporates previous factsheet 5 (administration of salvaged blood)
Factsheet 6 - Use of ICS for Jehovah Witnesses (version 4)
Factsheet 7 - Use of filters (version 2)
Factsheet 8 - Use in Obstetrics (version 2)
Factsheet 9 - Contraindications (version 1.1)
Factsheet 10 - Staff Responsibilities (version 1)
Factsheet 11 - Use of ICS Laparocsopic Surgery (version 1)
Factsheet 12 - Metallosis (version 1)
As the group worked on producing the above documentation, questions were asked about use in specific situations. This has led to the development of FAQ and IAQ sheets for use by operators and clinicians. These will be updated by the group as more questions become available. To download the FAQ or IAQ, click the links below:
FAQ topics include:
IAQ include:
These factsheets have been developed to provide information to operators and staff using cell salvage equipment and provide information on specific areas in relation to PCS. Click on the title to open the factsheet, which can then be saved as a PDF copy.
Factsheet 1 – Staff Responsibility for PCS (version 2)
Factsheet 2 – Contraindications for PCS (version 1)
Factsheet 3 – PCS Blood Collection (version 1)
Factsheet 4 – Reinfusion of PCS Blood (version 2)
Factsheet 5 – Administration of PCS Blood (version 2)
Factsheet 6 – Use of PCS for Jehovah’s Witness Patients (version 1)