JPAC Joint United Kingdom (UK) Blood Transfusion and Tissue Transplantation Services Professional Advisory Committee

Appendix 2 - Table of Immunisations

Diseases Protected against Comments and example trade names of adult preparations
Anthrax Rarely given available only through Public Health England Non-Live
Cholera Oral vaccine. Dukoral® Non-Live
COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) All COVID-19 vaccines licenced in the UK are Non-Live Non-Live
HiB Haemophilus influenza, Menitorex® Non-Live
Hepatitis A May be combined with typhoid or hepatitis B.
Hepatitis A only: Vaqta®, Avaxim®, Havrix®
Combined with typhoid: Viatim®
Combined with hepatitis B: Ambirix®, Twinrix®
Hepatitis B May be combined with hepatitis A. If unexposed and more than 7 days from last immunisation, accept. See: Hepatitis B – Immunisation
Engerix®, Fendrix®, HBvaxPRO®, Ambirix®, Twinrix®
HPV Cervarix®, Gardasil® Non-Live
Influenza, intra-nasal Live vaccine given by intra-nasal spray, age 2-18.
Fluenz Tetra®
Influenza, injection Annual ‘flu jab’, given by injection.
Several preparations, updated annually
Japanese Encephalitis Travel. Ixiaro® Non-Live
Measles, Mumps, Rubella MMR vaccines. M-M-RvaxPro®, Priorix® Live
Meningitis Meningococcal group C: NeisVac-C®, Menjugate Kit®
Meningococcal group B: Bexsero®, Trumenba®
MenACWY Quadrivalent vaccine: Menveo®, Nimenrix®, MenQuadfi®
Combined with H. influenzae type b (Hib): Menitorix®
Mpox (formerly known as Monkeypox) During the 2022 Mpox outbreak, contacts of Mpox cases may receive Imvanex, a live attenuated non-replicating Smallpox vaccine. For donor selection purposes this should be assessed as a non-live vaccine.
See DSG entry for Mpox
Pertussis Usually pregnant women. Boostrix-IPV® Repavax® Non-Live
Pneumococcal disease Given to people with specific risks: for example, people who have had a splenectomy or people over 65. Pneumovax®23 Non-Live
Polio, injected Would usually be given Diphtheria, Tetanus and Polio (injection). Boostrix-IPV®, Revaxis®, Repevax® Non-Live
Polio, oral Not in routine use in UK. May be used abroad Live
Rabies Given to non-exposed individuals if occupation or activity has an exposure risk, or for some travellers to endemic areas: Rabipur®, Verorab® Non-Live
Shingles There are two vaccines available to prevent shingles: Zostavax® and Shingrix® ; see rows below. Ensure the correct guidance is applied depending on the vaccine given. If vaccine name not certain, treat as a Live vaccine  
Zostavax® for shingles prevention Live
Shingrix® for shingles prevention Non-Live
Smallpox Note this live vaccine requires an 8-week deferral. If given, see DSG entry for Smallpox Immunisation.
See also Mpox (above).
Tetanus Would usually be given as Diphtheria, Tetanus and Polio. Boostrix-IPV®, Revaxis®, Repevax® Non-Live
Tick-borne encephalitis TicoVac® Non-Live
Tuberculosis BCG vaccine Live
Typhoid, injected Typhim Vi®
Combined with hepatitis A: Viatim®
Typhoid, oral Given in capsule form. Vivotif® Live
Varicella (chickenpox) Usually given to healthcare workers. Varilrix®, Varivax® Live
Yellow Fever Stamaril® Live


Last updated 19/03/2025