Joint United Kingdom (UK) Blood Transfusion and Tissue Transplantation Services Professional Advisory Committee
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Guidelines for the Blood
Transfusion Services in the UK
1: Introduction
2. Quality in blood and tissue establishments and hospital blood banks
3: Care and selection of whole blood and component donors (including donors of pre-deposit autologous blood)
4: Premises and quality assurance at blood donor sessions
5: Collection of a blood or component donation
6: Evaluation and manufacture of blood components
7: Specifications for blood components
8: Evaluation of novel blood components, production processes and blood packs: generic protocols
9: Microbiology tests for donors and donations: general specifications for laboratory test procedures
10: Investigation of suspected transfusion-transmitted infection
11: Reagent manufacture
12: Donation testing (red cell immunohaematology)
13: Patient testing (red cell immunohaematology)
14: Guidelines for the use of DNA/PCR techniques in Blood Establishments
15: Molecular typing for red cell antigens
16: HLA typing and HLA serology
17: Granulocyte immunology
18: Platelet immunology
19: Tissue banking: general principles
20: Tissue banking: selection of donors
21: Tissue banking: tissue retrieval and processing
22: Haemopoietic progenitor cells
23: Specification for the uniform labelling of blood, blood components and blood donor samples
24: Specification for the uniform labelling of human tissue products using ISBT 128
25: Standards for electronic data interchange within the UK Blood Transfusion Services
26: Specification for blood pack base labels
27: Specification for labelling consumables used in therapeutic product production
A1: NIBSC standards available from MHRA
A2: ISBT 128 check character calculation
A3: Provisional Components
A4: Redundant Components
A5: Blood Components for Contingency Use
A6: Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs)
A7: Requirements for the timing of testing for HPCs
Donor Selection
Bone Marrow and PBSC
A-Z Search
Cord Blood
A-Z Search
Geographical Disease Risk Index
A-Z Search
Tissue - Deceased Donors
A-Z Search
Tissue - Live Donors
A-Z Search
Whole Blood and Components
A-Z Search
National Helplines
Handbook of
Transfusion Medicine
UK Cell Salvage Action Group
Consent for Blood Transfusion
Transfusion information for patients
Guidance for HealthCare Practitioners involved in this role
Blood Transfusion e-Learning
Clinical Decision-Making and Authorising Blood Component Transfusion
Systematic Review
SRI Publications
Stem Cell Evidence
Transfusion Evidence Library
SRI Core Team
Our Funders
UK Transfusion
National Blood Transfusion Committee (England)
Scottish National Blood Transfusion Committee
Blood Health National Oversight Group (Wales)
Northern Ireland Transfusion Committee
UK Red Alert Plans Group
Document Library
Patients Who Refuse Blood Options for Jehovah's Witnesses.pdf
Patients Who Refuse Blood Options for Jehovah's Witnesses.pdf
Patients Who Refuse Blood Options for Jehovah's Witnesses.pdf