Obligatory | Must not donate if: a) Taking anticoagulant treatment. b) Treatment was for cardiovascular disease. c) Treatment was for axillary vein thrombosis. d) Treatment was for repeated thrombophlebitis or thrombosis. |
Discretionary | If treatment has been completed more than seven days ago and a specific cause, not of itself a reason for exclusion, has been identified for an isolated deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism, accept. |
See if Relevant | Cardiovascular Disease Thrombosis |
Additional Information | Treatment with anticoagulants will make it more likely that a donor will bleed or bruise after donation. The effect of treatment wears off over some days and after seven days, the blood clotting mechanisms should be back to normal. If the donor has cardiovascular disease, removing blood from the circulation will put the donor at risk of having a heart problem. Some causes of thrombosis make it more likely that blood clots will happen again. This could be made worse by donating. |