JPAC Joint United Kingdom (UK) Blood Transfusion and Tissue Transplantation Services Professional Advisory Committee

Disease of Unknown Aetiology


Is there is a specific entry for the disease?

Must not donate.


If safety and quality of the donation is unlikely to be affected, discuss with Designated Clinical Support Officer. See ‘additional information’ section.

Additional Information

When the cause of an illness is not clear, there is an unknown risk to any recipient of donated material.

In certain circumstances, the aetiology could be multi-factorial, although it is not clearly established, there are no concerns relating to person to person transmission. In these cases, cells could be accepted for clinical use, based on current available evidence, after taking into consideration the impact of the donation on the donor’s health

Reason for Change

To clarify that if the safety and quality of the tissues and cells is not impacted, donation can be permitted.

Update Information

This is a requirement of the EU Tissue & Cells Directive.

This entry was last updated in
TDSG-CB Edition 203, Release 43.