JPAC Joint United Kingdom (UK) Blood Transfusion and Tissue Transplantation Services Professional Advisory Committee




ObligatoryMust not donate.
See if RelevantTissues Safety Entry
Current or Former Sexual Partners of Confirmed Case

Must not donate if:
Less than 3 months from last sexual contact

See if Relevant

Tissues Safety Entry

Additional Information

HIV infection can be spread through sexual activity, including oral and anal sex. Despite regular sexual contact transmission of infection may not happen. It may however not be transmitted for a long time into a relationship. This could be because the infection becomes more active in the infected partner, the uninfected partner acquires another infection or injury to a mucous membrane, or there is a change in the use of, or failure of, barrier contraceptives (condoms etc.). In the early stages of infection the testing used by the Blood Services may not detect the virus allowing it to be passed on by transfusion or transplantation.

Waiting 3 months from the last sexual contact will ensure that any infection is picked up by the tests used by the Blood Services. This guidance presumes that a validated NAT test for HIV is negative, if this test is stopped for any reason the guidance will change.

Reason for Change

This entry was updated in line with the recommendations of the SaBTO Donor Selection Criteria Review Report published on 23rd July 2017. The current and former sexual partner entries have been combined. Additional information section added

Person Currently or Formerly Sharing a Home with an Affected Individual


See if Relevant

Current or Former Sexual Partner of Affected Individual above.

Additional Information

HIV is neither contagious nor spread by the faecal-oral route. It is usually only spread through a direct blood to blood or sexual route. For these reasons household contacts do not need to be deferred.

Reason for Change

This is an additional entry.


Update Information

This advice is a requirement of the EU Tissue & Cells Directive.

This entry was last updated in
TDSG-CB Edition 203, Release 27