JPAC Joint United Kingdom (UK) Blood Transfusion and Tissue Transplantation Services Professional Advisory Committee


Affected Individual

Must not donate if:
a) Infected.

b) Less than 24 months from completing treatment.

c) Under follow-up.


a) If mother with a history of tuberculosis or latent tuberculosis has been successfully treated, with treatment being completed at least 24 months previously, been discharged from follow up, and has remained well and asymptomatic – accept.

b) Mothers with a diagnosis of latent tuberculosis currently not undergoing investigation, or more than 7 days after completion of treatment: refer to DCSO for individual risk assessment.

See if Relevant

Heaf Test
Mantoux Test


Must not donate until:
Screened and cleared.


If the mother has been informed that they do not need to be screened, accept.

See if Relevant

Heaf Test
Mantoux Test

Additional Information

Tuberculosis can be present in many tissues and be spread through the blood stream. It is sensible to exclude mothers who may have active disease from donating to prevent any possibility of transmitting the infection.

Individuals with latent tuberculosis do not have symptoms of active infection. Treatment is usually recommended for individuals aged under 65. Antibiotics used to treat tuberculosis can cause liver damage in older adults, and hence treatment may not be offered. If latent tuberculosis is thought to be drug resistant, or if the individual is taking immunosuppressive medication for any reason, they may be regularly monitored to check the infection does not become active.

Reason for Change

To provide clarity that 24 month deferral is following completion of treatment, rather than confirmation of cure. To provide information and guidance regarding latent tuberculosis.

Update Information

This entry was last updated in
TDSG-CB Edition 203, Release 50