4.1: Premises
Premises used for the collection of blood and components have been subject to scrutiny by the Competent Authority, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), since 2005. Such facilities must comply with the principles embodied in the Rules and Guidance for Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Distributors1 to ensure the quality and safety of the collected blood and components, and to ensure the health and safety of donors and staff.
Premises must be of sufficient size, construction and location to allow proper operation, cleaning and maintenance in accordance with the blood service's procedures and national policies for infection prevention and control.
There must be provision for:
- the resuscitation equipment required by the blood service’s policy
- a telephone so the emergency services can be called if required
4.1.1: Selecting a venue Collection process factors
Account must be taken of the space, services, equipment, and facilities required for the process of blood and component collection to ensure safety and minimise the risk of errors. The requiremenst include:
- registration of donors
- waiting area(s) with seats for donors
- privacy for confidential assessment of the fitness and suitability of individuals to donate
- care of donors, including those who suffer reactions
- storage of equipment, reagents and disposables
- storage of blood and components prior to transportation
- a reliable electrical supply and adeqaute supply points for electrical equipment
- a reliable telecommunications network system
There must be an associated local contact whose details are available with the venue information for the designated person in charge of the blood collection team, for use if conditions or facilities are not suitable on arrival. Health and safety factors
The blood service has the responsibility to ensure that venues comply with the Health and Safety at Work Act2, that staff are fully aware of their responsibilities under this and any other relevant legislation, and that safe systems of work are in place and are upheld thereby minimising the risk of accidents and injuries. All venues should be formally assessed for suitability with an appropriate plan documented to manage risks. Premises should be safe, clean, comfortable and convenient for donors and staff in regard to the following:
- Access: the venue should be located conveniently for the population being served. It should be possible for the session vehicle(s) to park in close proximity to the access doors, to facilitate off-loading if required. The ground to be covered by staff carrying equipment should be even and well lit. The space to be used should preferably not entail carriage of equipment on stairs. A similar safe approach should be ensured for donors, with as much provision as possible for car parking. Notices should be displayed, directing donors to the appropriate entry point of the building, and to the room being used.
- Flooring should be non-slip
- Furniture and equipment should be arranged to allow a smooth and logical workflow without any obstruction to activities and movement within the session space, whilst also allowing adequate supervision
- Fire exits must be unobstructed and operational. All session staff must be aware of the location of the fire extinguishers and exits.
- Lighting must be adequate for all the required activities. Provision should be made for the use of emergency lighting in the event of interruption of the electricity supply.
- Environmental control may not be within the power of a mobile team, but every effort should be made to ensure that the space does not become too hot, cold or stuffy. Supplementary cooling fans and heating appliances should be carried on session vehicles and used as necessary. This equipment should be subjected to a planned maintenance programme.
- Facilities for the provision of refreshments for donors and staff should be separated from the other activities of a donor session whenever possible. Every effort should be made to ensure that equipment used in this area poses the minimum threat of danger to all persons.
- Toilet facilities for donors and staff should be provided
- Separate handwashing facilities are desirable for those staff involved in ‘clean’ procedures
- Adequate facilities must be available for the disposal of waste. On mobile sessions, all waste should be collected and contained in a suitable manner for subsequent disposal in accordance with relevant regulations.
Last updated 22/01/2025