The blood collection set must be in date and inspected for any defects. These are sometimes obscured by the label attached to the container, so careful inspection is required.
Moisture on the surface of a plastic pack after unpacking should arouse suspicion of a leak and if one or more packs in any packet is found to be abnormally damp, none of the packs in that container can be used. The solution in the set should be checked for clarity and must be clear before accepting the packs for use.
The blood pack is positioned below the level of the donor’s arm and the blood collection tube must be clamped off.
The method used for monitoring the volume of blood removed shall be checked to be in working order and the pack placed in the correct position for the method to be effective.
The complete apheresis set and individual packaging must be thoroughly inspected for faults prior to use and during the setting up procedure. The set must be in date and a search must be made for set faults such as kinks, occlusions, points of weakness or leaks that may only become detectable during the setting up and priming procedure before the donor is attached to the set.
If an occlusive kink that cannot be remedied or a leak becomes apparent during a procedure then that procedure must be abandoned and any blood constituents remaining in the disposables must not be returned to the donor.
Any faults detected before or during a procedure must be recorded in accordance with local quality systems. Any defects must be reported (see section 5.11).
If there is any doubt about the integrity of any set, it must not be used but should be retained for inspection and returned to the manufacturer if deemed necessary.
Labelling: Whole blood and apheresis packs and donor sample tubes must be labelled in accordance with local standard operating procedures (SOPs).
All donors’ records and labels should be checked for printing errors. Duplicate number sets must not be used. Both these and missing numbers must be reported via a designated senior following documented local procedures.