Please find attached an algorithm for determining the suitability of post-transfusion/infusion samples for mandatory screening for transmissible infections.
Determing sample suitability - Step 1
Determining sample suitability - Step 2
Donor ID: | Date & Time blood sample taken: |
Calculate plasma volume | Donor weight (kg) _________ 0.025 |
____________mL |
Calculate blood volume | Donor weight (kg) _________ 0.015 |
____________mL |
A) Record total volume of blood transfused in the 48 h prior to death or sample collection (whichever comes first) |
______mL of RBC transfused/48 h ______mL of whole blood transfused/48 h ______mL of reconstituted blood/48 h |
Sum A: _______mL |
B) Record total volume of colloid infused in the 48 h prior to death or sample collection (whichever comes first) |
______mL plasma/48 h ______mL platelets/48 h ______mL albumin/48 h ______mL HES or other colloids/48 h
Sum B: _______mL |
C) Record total volume of crystalloid infused in the 1 h prior to death or sample collection (whichever comes first) | ______mL | Sum C: _______mL |
Step 2B
Calculated Plasma Volume | ______mL | Sum B + Sum C | ______mL | |
Calculated Blood Volume | ______mL | Sum A + Sum B + Sum C | ______mL | |
Calculate plasma dilution | Is Sum B + Sum C > plasma volume? | No | Yes | |
Calculate blood dilution | Is Sum A + Sum B + Sum C > blood volume? | No | Yes |
If the answers to both questions are ‘No’, the post-transfusion/infusion sample is acceptable
If the answer to either of the questions is ‘Yes’ use a pre-transfusion/infusion sample. If a suitable sample is not available, seek expert advice and inform transplant centre, testing laboratory, tissue bank as necessary.
RBC = red blood cells; HES = hydroxyethyl starch
Based on the algorithm developed by the Food and Drug Administration, USA (Appendices 2&3)
This appendix was last updated in TDSG-DD Edition 203, Release 32, Issue 01