JPAC Joint United Kingdom (UK) Blood Transfusion and Tissue Transplantation Services Professional Advisory Committee

Mental Health Problems


If the donor has had a new mental health problem within the last 12 months, or their condition has deteriorated in the last 12 months:
Refer to a Designated Medical Officer.


If the donor has known mental health problems and has been stable in the last 12 months, whether on medication or not, accept.

See if Relevant

Central Nervous System Disease

Additional Information

Many people have mental health problems that can be controlled with regular medication.  There is no reason why they cannot donate whether on medication or not provided a firm diagnosis has been made and their condition has not deteriorated in the last 12 months.  It is important to exclude other central nervous system disease including prion disease and rabies, which could present as new or deteriorating mental health problems.

Reason for Change

The entry has been changed to allow donors with known mental health conditions at the time of death to be accepted.

'Additional information' has been added

Update Information

This entry was last updated in
TDSG-DD Edition 203, Release 17