Only persons in good health shall be accepted as donors of blood or components for therapeutic use.
A prospective donor’s medical history must be evaluated on the day of donation by a suitably qualified person who has been trained to use the JPAC Donor Selection Guidelines.1
If there is any doubt about the suitability of a prospective donor, a donation should not be taken and the details should be referred to the designated clinical support staff.
Each Blood Establishment responsible for the collection of blood should include a medical consultant who will take professional responsibility for the care and selection of donors. The immediate responsibility is that of the healthcare professional in attendance at the session. Patients referred for therapeutic venesection shall not be accepted at donation sessions (but see section 3.9.1 on donors with genetic haemochromatosis).
Occupations where a delayed faint may present a hazard either to the donor or to others can be accepted only when the individual is going off duty. This would apply, for example, to train, HGV or bus drivers; heavy machine or crane operators; work involving climbing ladders or scaffolding; and miners working underground.
‘Hazardous’ hobbies (e.g. gliding, powered flying, car or motor cycle racing, climbing, diving etc.) should not be undertaken on the day of donation.