JPAC Joint United Kingdom (UK) Blood Transfusion and Tissue Transplantation Services Professional Advisory Committee

3.5: Donor age

BSQR sets the primary age limits for whole blood and component donors at 18 to 65 years inclusive, with the caveat that first time donors over 60 years of age are accepted at the discretion of the doctor in the blood establishment.

The JPAC Whole Blood and Component Donor Selection Guidelines set age criteria for the UK Blood Services to apply for donors who are younger or older than these limits:

  • Donors aged 17 years may be accepted if they are assessed as being able to give informed consent (as expected for donors of all ages).
  • First time donors may be accepted before their 66th birthday.
  • Returning donors are defined as individuals who have given at least one full donation in their lifetime, may be accepted before their 72nd birthday.
  • Regular donors can continue to donate on or after their 72nd birthday provided they have donated a full donation within the last two years.


Last updated 31/07/2024