JPAC Joint United Kingdom (UK) Blood Transfusion and Tissue Transplantation Services Professional Advisory Committee

CN 14 - 2024


CN number: 14 - 2024
CN version: 1
Pre-publication date: 04 July 2024
Release date: 31 July 2024
Implementation date: To be determined by each Service.


This notification includes the following changes:

1. Fertility            
2. Accept            

Changes are indicated using the key: original text, «inserted text», deleted text.


1. Fertility (revised and renamed entry)

This change applies to the Whole Blood and Components Donor Selection Guidelines


«Fertility» Trying To Conceive

Obligatory Take care to exclude pregnancy.

Must not donate if:
  • a) Under investigation for infertility.

  • «b) Any underlying cause or reason for fertility treatment precludes donation.

  • c) Undergoing current fertility treatment and monitoring for pregnancy.»

  • b) Less than 12 weeks after completion of treatment with clomiphene (Clomid®).

  • c) Less than 12 weeks after completion of treatment with tamoxifen.

  • d) Has ever been given human gonadotrophin of pituitary origin.

  • e) «The» If donor knows that they have ever been treated with Metrodin HP®.
  • «a) If the donor:
    • is not undergoing fertility investigation or treatment, and
    • is fully recovered from any fertility-related procedure as applicable, and
    • is not being monitored for pregnancy, and
    • does not have any underlying or associated condition that precludes donation, and
    • has never received treatment with human gonadotrophin of pituitary origin, and
    • has never received any other treatment that precludes donation,

  • b) If a recipient of donated egg(s), embryo(s) and/or sperm is otherwise eligible in regard to fertility investigation and treatment and any underlying or associated condition, accept.»

  • If not known to have been treated with Metrodin HP® but treated exclusively with other non-pituitary derived gonadotrophins and/or donated sperm, accept.
See if Relevant Prion Associated Diseases
Additional Information The 12 week period is an additional safeguard to avoid taking a donation early in a pregnancy.

The use of human gonadotrophin of pituitary origin (follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH)) had stopped in the UK by 1986. The situation in other countries varied so specific dates cannot be given. Metrodin HP® was withdrawn by the Committee on Safety of Medicines in 2003 and following advice from the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency the precautionary principle has been applied to withdraw donors who have been treated with this product. Donors treated for infertility after 2003 in the UK will not have been treated with this product. «There is no need to confirm that the donor was not treated with Metrodin HP®. Donors may have received other non-pituitary derived gonadotrophins which are acceptable.»

Donors trying to conceive naturally can donate provided that they have not missed a period. Taking folic acid or other vitamin and mineral preparations is not a problem.

«Recipients of donated eggs, embryos and sperm are eligible to donate. This is in accordance with the SaBTO Microbiological Safety Guidelines.

Donors who have undergone egg donation, egg collection for fertility preservation, and surgical sperm retrieval should be assessed regarding any hormone treatment they have received and using the Surgery entry.

Fertility preservation is available for:
  • Individuals undergoing treatment (for cancer but also for some benign conditions) that puts them at risk of becoming infertile.
  • Individuals considering gender transitioning.
  • Elective social egg freezing; for individuals who wish to delay fertility.

Reasons that donors may be undergoing treatments and procedures for fertility include Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), Endometriosis, testicular problems, genetic conditions. For one in four individuals the cause of their fertility problems may not be known. Sensitive questioning may be needed to establish any underlying cause or associations that may be relevant to the donor’s health and eligibility.

Donors with inherited conditions e.g. mitochondrial disease may undergo fertility-related diagnostic and assistance treatments and procedures. Unaffected carriers may be eligible to donate if they otherwise fulfil the criteria.»
Reason for Change «The eligibility of recipients of donated eggs or embryos is now specified. Inclusion of criteria and additional information regarding any underlying or associated conditions. Replacement of reference to specific drugs with criteria to preclude donation whilst being monitored for pregnancy. Addition of link to Surgery entry to facilitate assessment of donors who have had fertility-related procedures. Inclusion of additional information for donors who have had a fertility-related procedure not due to a primary fertility problem.»

The deferral for recipients of donated eggs or embryos has been removed in line with the most recent update of the SaBTO Microbiological Safety Guidelines.
Donor Information If you wish to obtain more information regarding a personal medical issue, please contact your National Help Line.

Please do not contact this web site for personal medical queries, as we are not in a position to provide individual answers.


2. Accept (revised entry)

This change applies to the Whole Blood and Components Donor Selection Guidelines



(applies to female donors only)

Discretionary If use of medicines or other therapies are not a reason to defer, accept.
See if Relevant Complementary Therapy
Drug Index - preparations which affect platelet function
Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs

If taking Dopamine-receptor agonists (e.g. Rotigotine, Bromocriptine, Ropinirole, Pramipexole), see: Central Nervous System Disease.
Additional Information The condition that brought you to this entry is not a reason for deferral. It is however important to ensure that there are no other factors that may affect any donation, such as having symptoms related to hypotension as side effects from the use of medicines such as dopamine receptor agonist drugs (e.g. rotigotine, bromocriptine, ropinirole and pramipexole) that can cause hypotension and fainting, or complementary (alternative) therapy.
Reason for Change «Fertility has been added to See if Relevant section.»

Neurosurgery has been added to the See if Relevant section.
Donor Information If you wish to obtain more information regarding a personal medical issue, please contact your National Help Line.

Please do not contact this web site for personal medical queries, as we are not in a position to provide individual answers.


The following redirection will be added to the A-Z index:

PCOS » Accept